Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Toby... aka 'Huge Dog'

Toby is one of the dogs that 'chose' us.

As we were deciding whether we would continue to foster, a high school friend on facebook was looking for a home for Toby, the young, red & white, pitbull boy. This friend had been dogsitting Toby for about a month & the original owner decided he didn't want him back. Toby was going to be taken to a shelter, so without a second thought, I said we would take him.

Having been in a home for a month with children, another pitbull & a small dog, Toby was well adjusted. He was a great addition in our home.

Much like Meaty, Toby was very eager to please his humans & dedicated to following us around anytime we were near. Toby loved to play fetch! He may have thought he was a retriever breed...

Not having children of our own yet, we end up 'testing' our foster dogs with our WILLING friends' kids! (a special thanks to our real & 'play' nieces & nephews!!!). The kids are our biggest critics. If THEY trust the dogs, then it's all good!
I realized that Toby was given the stamp of approval when the 3 year old girl came upstairs & said to me 'I let huge dog out of his cage. He didn't want to be in there anymore'. Toby & her became co-conspirators from this moment on.

We had our first strange adopter experience this time, too. A younger guy came with a car full of female passengers & expected to 'buy' Toby & take him home that day. We have since revised our protocol. Only approved applications can meet our pups :-)

Toby went to his forever home with a pair of wonderful young sisters. They have an older pit named Boody & are phenomenal with the training of their dogs. Toby is fashion forward in his spike collar & boots on the lakefront!

Lexi went to her forever home last night. She is now blessed with a mom & dad, 2 human brothers & 2 canine sisters; a huge american bulldog & a senior boxer. Delilah, the bulldog, loves to play with little spitfire Lexi & will surely expend that puppy energy. The beagle's moods when we came home without Lexi was kind of somber. I can never tell if they actually MISS the foster dogs... or if they are worried that THEY will be next to go :-)

On the fertility front... full steam ahead with whatever the insurance company will approve. That includes clomid, estrogren, progesterone, hcg, baby aspirin, specimen cups & turkey basters. I will spare the specifics, but I am prepared to be a walking science project!

'If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either'.

1 comment:

  1. I love happy endings! It must be so rewarding to see these dogs in their forever homes, living the life they deserve.
    It's refreshing to see that you have the: "This is what what?" approach to life's obstacles. I believe there are no good or bad situations. There are only situations and how you choose to view them and deal with them. Stay strong as sure that good things will come to you. Apparently they are furry little bundles:-)
